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vida e mundo

We Planted Nearly 400 trees with Damian Willemse in Support of ‘One Tree Planted’ and collected over 380kg of litter off Strand Beach

Let’s be better together!

We’re committed to our on-going “vida e mundo” (life & the world) journey to ensuring a sustainable world for everyone and everything living on our beautiful planet. That’s why, we teamed up with Damian Willemse in support of One Tree Planted and planted a tree for every bamboo cup sold in the month of August.  

We saw close to 400 trees donated to Willemse’s initiative. Together, we can make a positive impact and care for our global environment. By partnering with One Tree Planted, Damian is contributing to an environmental and social impact directly in South Africa, while also supporting the global reforestation movement to address climate change through nature-based solutions. 

As Willemse cares deeply for the environment and is passionate about restoring land in his home country of South Africa – we held a beach clean-up, hosted by Willemse, in collaboration with Pura Soda and CleanC on Saturday, 9 October on Strand Beach which is close to Willemse’s home town and where he used to train when he was younger. Together we collected a total of 55 bin bags which amounted to 384.2 kg of litter off the beach. This included 72 kg of plastics, 51 kg of metal, 39 kg of paper, cardboard and signs, 43 kg of glass and 179 kg of general waste (wrappers, cigarette butts, cloth, material and other). All recyclable waste will be recycled appropriately. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who joined us for this event.  

All registered participants received a free caffè of their choice when bringing their reusable coffee cups along on the day. To get involved in the next clean up, please follow us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Always remember to bring in your reusable cup when you purchase your beverage of choice at any of our stores and receive a R2 discount each time! Saving the planet one cup at a time.  

Obrigado to Damian – for inspiring those around him and making positive change in this beautiful place we call home! 

Let’s be better together.  


#letsbebettertogether #vidaemundo #lifeandtheworld 

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